Peddle Thorp

Established in 1968, Peddle Thorp has built a reputation as one of the most respected architectural practices in New Zealand. Great design is delivered by a craft-level understanding of buildings that informs the built result. Peddle Thorp’s core strength allows for the most complex and creative concepts to be articulated into built reality through the quality and depth of their design detailing.

The practice embraces collaboration, and the drawing together of unique skills for the benefit of each project. Successful partnerships, utilising the complementary expertise of each practice, have been formed with local and international firms on projects ranging in scale and building type.

Peddle Thorp’s proven ability to deliver on projects of diverse scale and type is highly regarded throughout the construction industry. As acknowledged industry leaders across all project scales, Peddle Thorp has a deep understanding of both design challenges and client aspirations. Along with genuinely innovative design capability, Peddle Thorp’s expertise in team leadership, cost control and architectural practice has seen a many of New Zealand’s most unique buildings delivered.

With a comprehensive and award-winning body of work that spans all major market sectors, Peddle Thorp was a natural choice as the architect for Seascape.


Shundi Customs

Shundi Customs Ltd is a subsidiary of Shundi Group, an international development company with headquarters in Shanghai, China. They have a vast portfolio of developments in China and abroad; in New Zealand alone, they are building multiple developments in Auckland and Queenstown.

With Seascape, Shundi are creating a world-class residential tower with an iconic form and luxurious apartments unlike anything seen before in New Zealand. As with all their projects, they have been highly involved in the design process, bringing an international quality and distinct interior aesthetic to Auckland.

Shundi have surrounded themselves with a highly experienced team to deliver this ambitious project. To ensure Seascape is built with the speed and expertise required for such a tall tower, Shundi have procured China Construction with whom they share a strong working relationship.

You can buy with confidence that Shundi will achieve this magnificent building within the stated programme and for the contract price. As a seasoned international developer, they have the experience, capital and team to realise this landmark project.


China ConstructioN

China Construction New Zealand is part of the China State Construction Engineering Corporation, the largest building company in the world. Their impressive portfolio includes Federation Tower – the tallest tower in Europe – and the Shanghai World Financial Center – the eleventh tallest building in the world. Currently China Construction are working on a number of projects in New Zealand including the Park Hyatt Hotel in the Viaduct.

There would be few companies in the world with the experience and expertise of China Construction in building large towers. Given Seascape has such a complicated structural system, Shundi have chosen to engage one of the world’s leading builders to ensure Seascape is delivered on time and on budget.

China Construction have already started work on the Seascape Tower – well in advance of Seascape hitting the market. At the time of writing, they are constructing the foundations and 5 levels of basement parking. This is strong evidence of the significant funding behind this exciting development.